Thursday, February 26, 2015

On to the next

ROUND TWO of thanking people!

I want to start by thanking one of my friends, Ashley. She is the one I call when I need prayer, she's my Bible buddy, and someone who not only goes to church with me, but someone who encourages me to be involved in church. If not for Ashley, I wouldn't have ever gone to Highlands and wouldn't have fallen more in love God. She goes above and beyond to grow in her relationship with God which is amazing to me. I don't think I have ever had a conversation with her that doesn't somehow come back to us talking about God and the great plans He has for us. Along with our love for God, we love food, we love to laugh and have fun, and basically talk 24/7. Thank you, Ashley, for all the late night chats and fun times and always letting me know what my best option is!!

Another person I want to take a moment to thank is one of my best friends, Rebekah. This crazy cat lover has been there for me since the beginning. We met through church when I was in high school and we became fast friends. She is the one I call, or FaceTime actually, with anything in life. If I didn't have Rebekah, I wouldn't have discovered how much I love cats. Anytime we talk, Albert (her lovely cat) is sure to come up. It sucks being a couple hours away from each other, but if anything we've gotten closer. We have had our fair share of ups and downs, but at the end of the day she is still my #1 and my sister!

And lastly for this blog post, I have to thank Sydnie. She is my voice of reason, my cheese fry loving, Waffle House enjoying, movie bestie. Anytime I hang with Sydnie we are able to relax and watch hours and hours of movies. If I didn't have Sydnie in my life, I know full well that I would have made some HORRIBLE life decisions. Anytime she suspects I'm up to something crazy, she texts me and talks me out of it. I am so thankful that we met through church in high school and bonded at youth camp one summer. I know I can always call Sydnie up and she'll be down for potatoes and a night in watching TV and movies. Even though she's at Auburn and I'm at Alabama, we are still best friends, I don't hold the whole Auburn thing against her!!


Alright, so want to know something that I have actually thought about a great deal lately? The Kardashian-Jenner clan. First off, I was a Jenner fan before I even knew I was. Everyone remember The Hills? Remember the hottie with the body Brody J?? Although sometimes a teeny bit dramatic, he was still the OG #MCM. 

Then came the whole Keeping up with the Kardashians era. At first, I wasn't like a huge fan but slowly it's grown on me. As the show has progressed, we have seen the emergence of two new stars: Kendall and Kylie. Everyone is currently hung up on Kylie, her lips (faux or nah), and apparently now her booty. 

But let's back this train up for like two minutes and take a look at her older sis, Kendall. This model is taking the fashion world by storm.From Cannes to London to New York, this beauty is sweeping the industry with her killer Jenner genes. She has her glam side but it doesn't go to her head because it's balanced by her chill, outdoorsy side. Most likely the most calm of the Kardashian-Jenner mash up, Kendall has certainly made a name for herself. 

Basically, she is my favorite sister and she deserves tons of recognition. 

That's my spiel for the day. 

Hope everyone has had a fabulous day thus far and prays the weekend in extra fast! I know I am.


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

New year, new me? Let's do it!!

A little delayed, but at least I'm finally embracing this cliché! From the start of 2015, I have taken some more than positive steps to change things in my life. Out with the old, in with the fab. So forget everything you know about me, everything I've written, all of it! Now, let's begin this journey that is life with a new outlook and a much more open me.

As you should know, my name is Holland, I am 20 years old (21 coming up!!), and I am in love with my life. I would like to start off by thanking some fantastic people in my life who inspire me daily, without whom, I would be beyond lost. 

First and foremost, two friends that are there for me through the thick, thin, tears, laughs, and random adventures that sometimes result in sleeping in minivans in parking lots: Hope and Gionna. As I started my first year at the University of Alabama, I knew people, but I still felt like a very tiny fish in the middle of the Atlantic. I lived in Burke East dorms, and as usual on a Friday night I was in bed by 10 after eating pizza for the eighth time that week. I got a text from one of the girls on my floor inviting me to a Phi Sig party. I rushed to get ready and met up with the group that was going. Lo and behold, my first meeting with Hope and G. 

After hanging at the party for a bit, we left and went to McDonalds and bond over our mutual love of Katy Perry. And that was the start of an amazing friendship. Without these two, I would feel overwhelmed daily. So thank you Hope and Gionna for always being there for me, my pillars when I cannot stand, my comic reliefs, and basically the best people I could have ever met at UA. 

The next person I have to thank is the amazing Morgan Nicodemus! By pure coincidence we worked a shift at the rec center together only to learn that we had been in the same class together for quite some time. The next class we sat together and have been close since. Morgan is one of those people that is not afraid to be honest, but not in a let me lord it over you kind of way. Morgan and I began attending church a lot together as we grew closer. As we have gotten more involved, our friendship has continued to flourish. I am beyond grateful for someone who wants to pursue God and holds me accountable. Not a day goes by that I don't either see Morgan or at the very least talk to her somehow. I am thankful for her humor, her style, her class, her wit, her Gilmore obsession, and her love for Grey's. I look forward to her reaching new episodes in the series because it comes with a very shocked text each time. She never judges me, rather she encourages me. I look forward to a long and lasting friendship with the great lil nico! 

As you can see, I have some pretty amazing people standing by my side. However, these are not the only ones that make my life worth living and loving. I will continue to thank those in my life with the start of each new post. This is such a small way to show my love for them, but it's the little things that make us appreciate life, right?


I am finding new inspiration in my life! As I have said, I attend Church of the Highlands and that has changed my life completely. Don't worry, I'll write an entry all about that at a later date (: 

Blake Lively is my life inspiration. Her new Preserve site is absolutely phenomenal and everyone should read it ASAP.  Her style is unmatched, her class untouchable, and her grace is flawless. Basically, she is my role model in life.

I have a new appreciation for my everyday life. Although, it is filled with stress sometimes, I have been blessed with a strong support system that inspires me to push on. My mom and dad guide me and love me and inspire me to never give up. 

I have huge dreams that will take me all over this amazing world. I cannot wait to see what life holds for me after I graduate in a year (maybe a year + a semester lol). Until that day comes, I will continue to soak up all the amazing opportunities I have come to find here. 

One thing that won't ever change about this blog is the chance to reach out to me! Never hesitate to email me at 

